August 2023
Thiashola Plantations: A Legacy of Exceptional Tea
Thiashola Estate, a breathtaking expanse situated at an elevation of 6000 feet above
sea level amidst the undulating hills of the Nilgiris in the South of India, has a rich history that
dates back to the era of Chinese prisoners of the opium wars. These prisoners planted the first
tea plants on the grounds of what is now known as Jail Muttom. Over the years, they nurtured
and cultivated these plants, laying the foundation for the thriving plantations that would become
synonymous with quality and excellence.
Under the stewardship of Thiashola Plantations Private Limited, the exquisite Thiashola
Tea Estate has evolved into a producer of fine signature teas, catering to a niche market. To
preserve its lineage and distinctive character, the factory has embraced best practices from
across the country, enabling it to consistently craft value-added teas sought after by
connoisseurs around the world.
Tea produced in the Thiashola Plantations is derived from the Camellia Sinensis plant.
It's essential to note that "true" tea exclusively originates from Camellia Sinensis, distinguishing
it from herbal teas, which are made from leaves of other plants. The four primary categories of
tea—white, green, oolong, and black—all share Camellia Sinensis as their source. The extent of
oxidation during processing determines the type of tea produced, with heavily oxidized teas
yielding a rich, brown brew and less oxidized ones offering a lighter, amber liquor. Tea, derived
from the Camellia Sinensis plant, comes in various types. Hand-plucked buds and two leaves,
collectively referred to as a "flush," form the basis of tea production, and this flush undergoes
processing to create the teas we enjoy. The degree of oxidation, influenced by exposure to air
and other elements, determines the flavor profile of the final product.
Thiashola Plantations' commitment to preserving tradition while embracing innovation
has made it a renowned name in the world of tea. Its unique geographical setting and dedication
to crafting exceptional teas ensure that the legacy of Thiashola Estate continues to captivate tea
enthusiasts worldwid